(This article was originally published on 1/20/2012 on the Practical-Magick Tumblr and can be read here. I no longer recommend the Gypsy Magic as a source and it should be noted that the term gypsy is a slur against the Romani people. I have kept the reference to the site and the link in my resource list solely because it was used to write the article.)
So tonight is St. Agnes’ Eve and is a powerful night for love magick of all kinds, but especially for calling a lover to you. There are several old myths designed to help you dream of you future spouse’s face. According to the Gypsy Magic website some of these include:
- “Boiling an egg, removing the yolk and filling the center with salt and then eating the whole, shell included!”
- “Sticking 9 pins into a red onion, taking it backwares to the bedroom and sleeping with it under the pillow.”
- dumb cake ceremony.
But of course no one is limited to this.
St. Agnes was a Roman Catholic child martyr who was sentenced to death for refusing to marry. “St. Agnes, the patron saint of virgins, died a martyr in fourth century Rome. She was condemned to be executed after being raped all night in a brothel;however, a miraculous thunderstorm saved her from rape. St. Agnes Day is Jan. 21.” One of the oldest superstitions associated with this night is that “if she went to bed without looking behind her and lay on her back with her hands under her head, he would appear in her dream, kiss her, and feast with her”.
But personally, every year I perform the spell listed in Gerina Dunwich’s Everyday Wicca on page 87.
The basic instructions of the spell say that right before bed you should light a pink candle (anointed with the love oil of your choice) and stare into a hand mirror. While looking into the mirror you say:
“Dear Saint Agnes, sweet and fair
I call to thee with humble prayer:
with clarity I wish to see
the face of my true love to be.
tonight let him be dream-revealed;
with a kiss this rhyme is sealed.
So mote it be!”
Then you kiss the mirror ( I like to wear lipstick so it leaves the kiss mark), then you place the mirror (glass up) under your pillow and prayer to St. Agnes to thank her for listening to you. Gerina’s end note states:
“If there is marriage in your future (anytime within the next twelve months), you should receive a vivid dream about the man who is destined to become your partner in matrimony.”
Now, obviously the spell was written (by a woman) for women. But I see no reason it can’t be used by men with a few alterations!
Sources (In order of use):
Everyday Wicca, Gerina Dunwich, 1997, Citadel Press